Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wonderful Moment!!

Hi everyone, here's a wonderful moment that I would like to share with you. I never thought of bloggings can be that exciting! Really excited!! We had a meet-up section this afternoon with some other food bloggers whom we didn't meet before. We know each other only leaving few lines on our blogs, and that's why I was very excited with this gathering.
I started blogging only since last year April. And its all influenced by a good friend Bee Bee from HoneyBeeSweets. And of course I learned alot from her. And because of her, I got to have this opportunity to join the gathering..:) Thanks Bee Bee, my dear dear friend!

Here's some photos that I'll like to share..:)

Meeting up @ MidValley

A beautiful flower for each of us by Nyonyapendekmelaka.
Yup, its on my dining table...;p

Packets of "bak-kut-teh" and "bunga telang" from Sonia
These are my favourite...yummy!

These are from ElinLuv
I don't really know what are these call, but at least I know how to use it! haha! My girl already wants me to make one for her tomorrow..:)

Sorry for the miss out bloggers, I'm too excited to post this, and I totally forgot about the list!

All of us in the gathering are:

Bee Bee of Honeybeesweets

Elin of Elinluv's Tibits Corner

Gertrude of My Kitchen Snippets

Swee San of The Sweet Spot

Tracie of Bitter Sweet Flavours

Pei Lin of Dodol Mochi

Sonia of Nasi Lemak Lover

Joanna ~ Elin's daughter

Joslynn of Petite Nyonya

Quinn of Quinn's Baking Diary

& me of course..:)

Very thoughtful gifts. Love them all! I really feel bad that I didn't bring any exchange gifts along..:( Will probably do it better when we meet up the next time..;)
Thank you so much ladies!


  1. woah! you're the first to post :) Thanks for the day, Reese :) It was nice meeting all of you.

  2. Haha! Can't wait!! Nice meeting you too, Tracie..:)

  3. Reese, you're so fast! You've already blogged about it!!?? Hahaha ... Talking about efficiency ... You're unbeatable, man!

    It was such a blast meeting y'all! I just kept yadda, yadda ... But, I sorta think it was funny how we could have multiple conversations rolling at the same time. LOL!

    Thanks for the red packet! Hope I can bake you something in the future, if we ever get to see each other again ... Take care till then.

  4. Wah, you're so fast, Reese! Posted already..haha! I've just described to my hubby 'who is who' from the photo ;). It was great meeting up & DO NOT feel guilty ok, all of your presence meant a lot already. Nice to have met you and be acquainted to your blog too! :)

  5. Hi Pei-Lin and Joslynn,
    Yup! I just can't wait for another day to post it..;p I've been talking about this to my family since I got home this afternoon...haha!

  6. wahh !! very efficient! Can I use the group photo in my blog too ?

  7. Thanks for posting this up Reese. It was wonderful to see and chat with all of you. Hope all of us can meet up again next year.

  8. @Hi Swee San, of course you can! :)

    @Hi Gertrude, yeah its nice meeting all of you, and yes! I do want to meet up with all of you again..;)

  9. Dear Reese, glad to know you, can't wait to have another meet up soon. Quickly try out the Bah Kut Teh.

  10. Hi Sonia, nice meeting you too. Everyone was so nice to talk to. Btw, I already bought the meat and vege for the Bak Kut Teh..hee hee! Will try tomorrow..:) Thank you so much!

  11. Halo my dear dear friend,
    You have inspired me as much too! And I can never thank you enough for your generous friendship you have showered me since we've known each other. ;) I am so glad I managed to come to this gathering with you and meeting so many fine lady bloggers. Anyway, hope I can come by again end of next till then take good care! ;)

  12. Yes dear Bee Bee, hopefully will see you again next month!!
    You too must take good care..:)

  13. Hi Reese,
    I'm sure you ladies had a great time! It's so nice to see friendship and bonding arising from blogging isn't it? We had our Singapore version last May. I wonder if it's possible to have a Sinma gathering or Masin gathering? Hahaha...So envious wor! Guess Bee Bee is the luckiest one, having the opportunity to attend both sides! ;)

  14. Dear Jane,
    Yea, it's my first time having this bloggers gathering. Kind of nervours at first, but after meeting them, it was fun! They are all very friendly and nice to talk to..:)
    Ooo..."Sinma", yea yea, if its really happen, I want to join..haha!

  15. Reese,

    Thank you very much for meeting up with me. It was you and all other bloggers that turned up that made the event a successful one so thank you to you too!

    And thank you for the Angpao too, makes me feel young, hehe!

    Till I see you again!

  16. Thanks Quinn, hope to see you again..:)
    Back to Australia? Wish you all the best!
