Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fermented Beancurd Pork Burgers

What's for dinner? Something special for my girl today. Sounds like western, but it taste like asian..hee hee..;p
Got this from my collection.."Hawkers's Fair". Love this sauce and I'll like to share it with you..:)

To prepare the sauce is quite easy. All you got to do is chopped all the ingredients and mix.

Ingredients for sauce:

3 tbsp chopped Garlic
3 tbsp chopped shallots
1 tbsp chopped ginger
5 pcs fermented beancurd, mashed
1-2 tbsps sugar
80-100ml water
4 tbsps cooking oil


~ Heat up oil, saute chooped garlic, shallots and ginger until fragnant.
~ Add in fermented beancurd and stir well.
~ Add in sugar, water and bring to boil.
~ Remove from heat.

** Sauce and be store in refridgerator for 1 month.

Ingredients for the burger:

300g minced pork
5 chopped waterchestnuts
1 small chopped carrot
3-4 tbsps fermented beancurd sauce
1 tbsp cornflour


~ Combine all ingredients together and mix well.
~ Divide into few portions and shape into burgers.
~ Heat up 3-4 tbsps oil, put in burgers and pan-fry until golden brown at medium heat.
~ Dish up and serve with some tomato or chilli sauce.

Hope you like it. Give it a try and let me know..:)


  1. Can you share the recipe as well Reese? Looks really good!

  2. Hi Quinn,...
    Here's the recipe..:) Actually I was halfway posting, and something went wrong..:(
    Hope you like it!

  3. I will try it, thank you. Just windering roughly how many tablespoon of sauce with the recipe makes? I kinda don't know what to do with leftover... Thank you Reese!

  4. Wah...very nice! Asian pork patties to go with steam rice. ;) I haven't think up of any dinner dishes since I moved to my IL's place. Thanks for the idea. :)

  5. Gee Reese, this does sounds very asian and looks good too! I wonder how the taste will be like with the fermented beancurd...I still have a bottle of fermented beancurd which has not been used! Maybe I'll try this recipe. Thanks very much for sharing.

  6. Reese, this looks good ler, must try one day. I just tried your pancake recently, good one, Thanks for sharing.

  7. **Quinn..it makes a small (rice) bowl. Another way to cook is "Lamb Tripes Stew". If you want the recipe I can always email to you..:)

    **Bee Bee..yea its so nice...I ate 2 bowls of rice..OMG! Got to run another 2 rounds..;p

    **Jane..the taste of the fermented beancurd is superb with the meat, carrot and watercehstnut. I should have add in more waterchestnut coz it really brings out the sweetness. Give it a try..:)

    **Sonia..I think you'll like this! Its really good. So you like the pancake leh...nice hor..;) Going to make the pancake again tis Saturday..hee hee!

  8. They look very nice n gorgeous!

  9. Hi Aruna, thanks for stopping by..:) Yes, those burgers were superlicious!

  10. Yucks, sorry but I don't like tripes. Aaron loves it but I'm not gonna cook it for him cuz I don't like tripes. Sorry.... Anyway, I will still make that sauce. Worst come to worst, I will use the remaining sauce as a marinade for my pork ribs and deep fry them. Yummy!!!

  11. No problem Quinn..:)
    Yeah, you can marinate the pork ribs and deep fry..yum yum! Actually I like it this way too..:)
