Friday, March 19, 2010

My 1st Semester School Trip

Its almost end of the 1st school semester break. Where have you been for this short break?.
I've visited Singapore with my daughter. Its not the 1st visit but it has been 17 years since my last visit to this wonderful country.

We had a wonderful time and a cosy place to my uncle's house..:) But too bad, this trip was really short. Only 4 days 3 nights...and my daughter started missing the place and relatives already.

We had a great time visiting the Zoo, Sentosa and few shopping malls. And theres lots more places we haven't visit. Probably have to plan another trip there again. Here's some of the food i tried that I'll like to share with you....^-^

The very 1st day, my uncle brought us to a restaurant "Big Eater 大食家海鲜"
Location: No. 34 Jalan Pari Burong (Upper Changi Road) Singapore 488700Tel: 62457268

The main dish i had that day was this delicious 螃蟹米粉 aka XO BeeHoon.....

............咸蛋炒螃蟹 / Salted egg crabs

...........Seafood Fried rice.......

The details and branches of this restaurant can be found here....

We also tried some "Ramen" at Jurong point..:)

Woo.....this is a must try at Vivo City. A restaurant named The Asian Kitchen.

Here's the soft crabs in sweet sour sauce.....

...fried keuy-teow with egg....

...spicy brinjals in bean sauce...

....vege and pork dumplings.....

And the last but not least....the Indian restaurant @ Raffles City Shopping Centre.
Shani Maharani, the north Indian restaurant.

Indian crackers (starters) ......

We had a buffet lunch before we headed to the airport. I was so full after this lovely and delicious meal, and I actually didn't take my dinner on that day..:)

These were what on my plate...hee hee! The saffron rice is awesome....I can't really talk while I'm eating..haha! Too delicious to talk! The sauces of each dishes....I'm speechless!
If I'm going for another trip to Singapore, these restaurants are my compulsory visit in my list!


  1. Look like you had a good makan trip. My Bangkok trip was cancelled and thought to go SG as well, but somehow the plan was cancelled again. Anyway, I will definitely visit to SG one day, and I will follow your good food guide.

  2. Hi Sonia, how come all trip cancelled? Sometimes the timing is really a problem when you plan for holidays.
    Yea..these food are really good. Must try when you are there..:)

  3. Looks like you have a wonderful time here, too bad the timing is not right, otherwise you can visit the Universal Studio :D Will you be surprised that I have not tried any of the eating places you have mentioned?! Thanks for sharing, I hope I will be able to go to the Big Eater and The Asian Kitchen soon :)

  4. Hi Reese,
    Looks like you really enjoyed your meals in Singapore! Just like I enjoyed the food in M'sia too! Hahaha...There are many more good foods to try when you visit Sgp! I'm sure different people you interact with will share different good eateries with you! You must come more often!

  5. Wah ... You've become a restaurant critic here! LOL! All the food looks good! Glad to hear that you enjoyed your stay there! Gotta agree Singapore is indeed a beautiful country.

  6. Hi,
    @HHB..Yea lorr...will visit SGP again when the Universal Studio is ready..:) I can see the construction and the Spider ride...interesting!
    The food is good at those restaurant i went..:)

    @Jane..Yes! I enjoyed the food!! I'll sure visit the country again, but have to make the stay longer then..hee hee!

  7. Yes Pei-Lin...Singapore is really a beautiful country. I've always like this country..:)
    Yeah..I do enjoyed this trip and also spent alot...haha!

  8. Don't miss out the address for Shahi Maharani Restaurant!!! Best Indian food I've tried so far!

  9. Thanks Jess...actually I've already link my post with yours..:)
    Yup! Its the best!!

  10. Being a Singaporean, I've never been to the restaurants that you went :P I hope I'll get a chance to try out Big Eater and The Asian Kitchen one day.

  11. Hi Blessed Homemaker,
    Thanks for dropping by..:) I love the country and the food...will definetely go back those restaurant if I have a chance to visit SGP again..:)

  12. Hey Reese,
    So glad you enjoyed this trip! But there's alot more to this small yes, come again soon. :) Hopefully when you come next time I will be able to bring you around and have you enjoy lots more yummy food. ;) BTW, first time I see raw egg on the Char Kwuey Tiao...but looks good!

  13. Yeah Bee Bee, but cannot meet you..:(
    Eh, the raw egg with char Kwey Teow is quite comment in Johor. Used to eat that long time ago..;)
