Thursday, April 22, 2010

Simple Egg Rolls

What's for dinner today? Mmm....egg rolls, that's it! A recipe adapted from my grandmother. Haven't been eating this rolls for a long time. My grandmother is a good cook, and yes, she still is! But somehow with her old age now, she kinda need more rest than before. I can't remember when she taught me this but I do remember it taste good..:)

It's been a long time since I last made this...I think about 10 years ago..hee hee..;p
A very easy and pretty dish no matter it was eaten by its own or with steam rice....both "good"!

All you need is......

Marinate the minced pork (200g) and minced shrimps (50g) with 2-3 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp cornflour, 3 tbsps light soy sauce and a dash of pepper.

Whisk 4 eggs and panfry it until set ( not over cook).
Spread a layer of mix meat onto the egg omelette and cover with a sheet of nori seaweed. Gently roll up the egg into a long roll and place on a plate for steaming.
Steam for 15 minutes and cool slightly before cutting.

It can be serve with or without the sauce.

Ingredients for the sauce,....
Panfry alittle garlic with a little oil until fragnant.
Add in 1 tsp rice vinegar, 2 tsps light soy sauce and alittle sugar to taste. Stir well.
Drizzle onto the rolls and serve.

Simple and delicious. We just love it..:) Yummy!


  1. Indeed simple to prepare and yet very presentable. ;) Lovely dish...I think I can just eat like that, no need rice, heehee. :D

  2. Reese, I like this version of egg rolls. I usualy make it with fish paste. Going to try this out the next time I want to make this. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. This look so delicious, must try this soon.

  4. ~Bee Bee, me too! I just ate the whole roll without rice..hee hee! Cheryl loves it too..;)

    ~Gert, the rolls with fish paste is nice too..:) I may try your version too..;)

    ~Sonia, yeah, do try and let me know whether you like it or not..:)

  5. Nicely rolled up! Very presentable dish! I must learn this. Thanks for sharing!

  6. This looks delicious and simple enough for a lousy cook like me, thanks for sharing such a good recipe!

  7. Hi Grace, you are welcome.

    Hi HHB, you are welcome too. Come on, you are good, I enjoy reading your posts..:)

  8. This looks so delicious! Simple is the best.

  9. Hi Angie, this indeed is delicious and simple..:)
