Friday, April 23, 2010

Beautiful Red Angku Kueh

Testing..testing! I've been testing with some natural colours on my Angku Kueh. And guess what? I found the most beautiful red colour!! Yeah!!

With the same recipe but different ingredients for the pastry.
YES! Beetroot (红菜头) it is! I'm so excited when the colour turns out beautifully...awesome!!!

Perfect red from the Beetroot.....

Yellowish Sweet potatoes....

See the beautiful RED from the beetroot.
All I used was...200g beetroot (cooked and blended), mix into the pastry ingredients. Then knead evenly. The colour is actually dark red-purple before steam.

** add some water into the cooked beetroot for easy blending
** when using beetroot for the pastry, please note that you may not need all the 200ml water called for the recipe.

Oh I just love the colour. What do you think?

And the same old ones (yellowish) with sweet potatotes. Couldn't find the purple sweet potatoes, or else I'll have 3 beautiful colours here...;p Oh I just love this kueh...;)

Have a nice weekend!!


  1. The colour is so beautiful Reese. Great idea using beef juice for colouring. I drink beet juice 3 times a week here. Next time I want to make this kueh I have to remember to reserve some of the juice to make this.

  2. Hi Gert, yeah love the colour. Never suspect it to be so RED..wonderful horr..;)
    Btw, beet juice 3 times a week! WOW! I can't coz when the fruit is raw, I kinda difficult to swallow..hee hee..;p

  3. Beautiful au natural colour Reese. Just wondering if the beetroot taste was dominant. I personally dislike them but love the colour though!

  4. Hi Quinn, how are you lately?
    About the kueh...there was no taste of the beetroot at all. Me too, not really fancy about this fruit though, at the begining after the beetroot was cooked, it do has quite a strong smell, but very surprising when mixed into the other ingredients, it was totally gone....but beautiful colour..:)

  5. I tried ice-blended beetroot juice before and ended up having to drink it all by myself! That was torture! Love the colour it gives to your angku though. Really no smell?

  6. Hi Jeannie,
    Yup! Really no..:) Even my girl said its the same as the yellow ones..hee hee..;p

  7. I actualy love the smell and taste of beets. Be it in juice or roasted. I sometime will wrap it in foil, drizzle with some oil olive and roast it. It is good to be eating with a bit of balsamic vinegar,salt and pepper :)

  8. Hi Gert, yea its a good fruit& rich in Vit C.
    I never know that it can be roasted that way, maybe I'll try and taste it..;) Thanks Gert..:)

  9. You have successfully set a precedence in using beetroot for angku. So interesting and yes, the colour comes out really nice and natural. Great idea! Beetroot also good for health! The yellow sweet potato angku looks very nice too. Well done, Reese!

  10. Thanks Josylnn, I'm so happy with the colour and actually woke up early this morning to look at it...haha!

  11. Hi,

    Personally, I love to make this kueh.. I too like natural colours instead of using artifical colouring, my favourite colour purple but then its not easy to get one.
    You make me wanna try this.. its awesome.
    Thanks for sharing your successful experiment !


  12. Wow, really very pretty red!!! Must put a tag saying: NO ARTIFICIAL COLOURING!

  13. ~Jesicca, I should do that horr..haha!

  14. Heehee, I guess you finally got to use beetroot after we discuss about it the other time. ;) Great colour...very fresh red. So I guess from now on no more red colouring for your red Ang Ku Kueh! ;) So what is didn't show us leh? Mung bean? Peanut?

  15. Hi Bee Bee, its the same old mung bean ingredients i used lorr, somehow I just like the beans one..hee hee..;p Ya, like the red so much. Btw, this the 1st time making red angku, all the time is either yellow or orange..boring..haha!

  16. I like those natural coloring you used for ang ku kueh :)

  17. the colors are so beautiful esp the red one, feel like giving a bite yum yum.

  18. Hi Reese, just to inform you that I have tried your recipe for siew bao and it was delicious! Can't get it to brown so evenly like yours though.

  19. Hi Jeanie, I'm too eager to try a bite so I actually din bake enough for the siew baos..hee hee! Should have bake longer..;p

    Thanks Bakericious..:)

  20. Reese, really a good idea, Thanks for sharing dear. I have yet to get my hand on kuih, my mom did a good one, must learn from her soon.

  21. They look so pretty.
    Hey, maybe add some pandan juice or blue pea flower juice with the "yellow/white" sweet potato then you will have green and blue lor.
    I've never made this cos *sigh* can't eat up ler.

  22. Hi Wendy,
    Yea, you can try with any natural color you like..:) The portion actually is not that much larr, the bean paste and be kept in freezer for a month!
