Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Pizza Day

My daughter has been asking when is her baking time again. Since she's so eager to bake, and okay we'll make it today. To make things easier, we decided to make pizza for dinner. "Yummy".. she said!

Here she goes, slowly and neatly folding the dough onto the tray....

...then decorate her own pizza with her favourite sausages and mushrooms...hee hee..;p

Oh and then what's she's doing? haha! We have decided to make something for dessert. Since we have some pizza dough left, here's what we did...........

Mashed the banana and add some honey into it......

Spread some melted cooking chocolate onto the pre-baked pizza dough, and then followed with the mashed banana! Sprinkle some shredded mozarella cheese and in the oven it goes.

Here is it..our Chocolate Banana Pizza for dessert!

The result is unbelievable....its super yummy! Trust me..its really delicious!!

Below is the classic style but actually its more to our own simple style then those pizza house..;p
This time I did saute some garlic with olive oil until fragnant before I add in the mushrooms. I like it that way....;)

Within 10 minutes, we finished the whole pizza! haha! Right after that we head for our "new" banana pizza...ooh, its good! My girl said she wants to make that Choc Banana pizza again very soon...haha!


  1. hi reese, u r so creative! i m going to try ur banana chocolate pizza, may i know bake for how long at in what degree. thanks in advance!

  2. ya, it look super delicious, next time I also want to spare some pizza dough and prepare this way, YUM YUM!

  3. Hi Bakericious,
    Thanks! Btw, I've linked this post to my older pizza post, the temperature and timing was all stated there. Anyway here is it for you...

    Hi Sonia,
    Its really yummy! You have to try..hee hee..;)

  4. Delicious pizzas! I like your chocolate banana pizza, it looks so yummy!

  5. Yum! Chocolate banana pizza--that just has a nice ring to it! I'm sure it was delicious! I'll have to try this on our next pizza night.

  6. Thanks HHB, its indeed very delicious..:)

    Hi Barefoor Belle, welcome to my blog..:) I like your posts too...very beautiful pictures taken!

  7. Chocolate banana pizza! Sound really yummy one! I must try it out, very interesting!

  8. Baking is such a powerful activity in bonding parents with their children! It really should be encouraged!

  9. tigerfish ~ Yes, it is a dessert..;)

    Grace ~ Interesting ya, its really yummy!

    Quinn ~ I agree! At least she has the interest but I don't know how long can it last haha! Kids are always playful..;p

  10. Motherly sweet! I bet Cheryl had a super time. ;) Banana and chocolate pizza is so good! Great idea!

  11. Hi Bee Bee, how are you lately? Bet you are very busy with your house and deco..;)
    Yea, Cheryl likes the baking moment and the choc banana pizza, she's looking forward to another one..;p

  12. Choc banana interesting! I bet it's delicious as choc & banana make such good pairing. Mother & daughter had fun, huh?! ;)...(not to mention full stomachs too ;)

  13. Sweet banana pizza...:-) mmm...that makes me smile.
