Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Simple Sausages Baos

Hey there, it's been awhile since my last post. I've been alittle busy since last week, and I can't even bake a cake for my mum for this coming Mothers' Day..:( But I did went back last weekend to have a nice and relax Hi-Tea with her though. After that we got to rush back home again..*sigh*. Anyway, hope to see her again next week.

So how's some simple and nice recipe to share..:)
My mum did this last year while having a small gathering at her home, and I find it quite nice and most of all "simple"..hee hee..;p

Steamed Sausages Baos.....

Aren't they cute? Soft and fluffy with something different in filling. I was kind of lazy to bake some bread, as bread dough need alot time consuming. Btw, it's not bad at girl took 1 and a half just right after from the steamer..;) All you got to do is wrap the baos dough like those sausage buns and then covered with a damp cloth for 10 mins at least for it to double the size.
Then steam for 10 minutes and serve.

Here's a look before steaming.....

...and the inside after steamed.....

I'm using the same dough recipe which I find its the most easier one. You can get it from my older post of Baos.

Wishing all Mothers a very Happy Mothers' Day!!


  1. This is pretty unique! I bet Cheryl will love this. :) I'm planning to make some baos too, think I will use your pao recipe this time. ;)

  2. WOW Bee Bee, you are fast! I just finished posting leh..;p
    What baos are you planning to make? As you said, how nice if we still can share our bakes horr..*sigh*. Baking and eating alone really boring and lonely leh.
    Will wait for your baos post ya..:)

  3. Good idea Reese. Never thought of using the hot dog this way. I always bake it :)

  4. Looks very delicious...haven't seen this before. Thanks for sharing. MaryMoh at

  5. Hi,
    Gert~This was my first time too..;p And its really good.

    Mary~Thanks and you are welcome..:)

  6. Very pretty rolled baos!! I like your baos look white and soft and very loooong!! haha :) That's the good thing about homemade, we can make any kind of pattern we like :P

  7. Thanks Kitchen Corner, the baos look "white" was all because the quality of the shortening. And yes...its looooong..haha!

  8. Thanks Reese, you too have a great Mother's day, this time I plan to bake a butter cake for my mom as she like butter cake..this bao with sausage look simple and good.

  9. Hi Sonia, so nice that you can bake for ur mother, but not me..:( I mean i can bake but I can't bring it to her coz we will not be back to hometown until end of this month..*sigh*
