Thursday, July 22, 2010

Siam Fried Meehoon & Yam/Taro pastry Angku

A couple of days ago, I fried this meehoon for our dinner. Its so delicious, that we finished the whole pot of the meehoon. How big is that pot?, you might want to know. Its actually the whole packet of the meehoon (450g)..haha! Okay, this is a recipe from my aunt, and actually she got it from her friend. With the mix and match of the ingredients, we came out with a perfect one!

Here's the recipe for you........

450g meehoon (soaked)
50g dried shrimps (diced)
15-20 shallots (chopped)
15 Kaffir lime leaves
10 Chilli padi
1-2 tbsps Fish sauce
2 tsp salt
4tsps sugar
40g Assam juice (I used 2tbsps of assam paste mixed with water to get 40g juice, then sieved)
*some bean sprout, squids and fishcakes.

* can be replaced with any seafood you desire.

~ Blend kaffir lime leaves with chilli padi together
~ Panfry dried shrimps and shallots with alittle oil until fragnant.
~ Add in blended ingredients, seafood (which you desire) and continue panfry until fragnant.
~ Add in assam juice, sugar, salt and fish sauce.
~ Toss in soaked meehoon and beansprout, mix well and fry until dry.
~ Serve hot.


Lovely colour aren't they? The texture is good too. Well actually there is nothing special with this, but I'll like to share the picture with you, since this the first time I used yam / taro for the skin pastry..;) Using the same old fillings (sweet mung bean paste) which I still have some storing in my freezer since last 2 weeks, its a perfect supper for us tonight..:)

If you want the recipe, do view here.
If you like this yam pastry, just change the sweet potatoes with yam / taro.



  1. Wah, the mee hoon looks so good! Got Asam sure got sour taste to it, I like! Too bad my girls don't eat spicy larr. Hey, how come Cheryl can take it? Wah nice purple yam skin! I did yam filling before with the angle but not the skin. Nice one!

  2. Hi dear Bee Bee, Cheryl's version has no chilli..:) Fried for her before ours..heehee..;p
    Seen your yam filling angku before, lovely ones. Do try this yam pastry, its soft too..:)

  3. They both look scrumptious! The pastry looks beautiful. I'll check out the recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  4. My hubby and I love bee hoon, must try your recipe soon. thanks.

  5. Mee Hun is one of my favorite foods. I would have 2 or 3 times a week for mee hun. Your mee hun makes me drooling and I think I got to cook some for lunch later :)

  6. ~ Lyndsey, you are most welcome. Hope you like the recipe..:)

    ~ mysimplefood, welcome to my blog. If you like meehoon so much, this is a "must" try recipe..:)

    ~ Kitchen Corner, me too. I can have meehoon everyday!! Try aout and let me know whether you like it or not..;)

  7. Reese. lazy me always fried mee hoon once a week. I think they are quick and easy to prepare and you can basically add anything ingredients and seasoning to it. I do like your version especially the big sotong :) You did good with the orr ku kueh. I like to pan fried it on a non stick pan till crispy on both side the next day. I do have weird way of eating it :)

  8. Hi Gert,
    I too like to fry meehoon when I have no idea what to cook on that day...;p As you said we can add anything into it, and its delicious no matter how we fried it. I also like to panfry the angku the next day..:) That's how I eat since I was a little girl...;)

  9. Hi,

    I'm wondering how do you blend the green bean paste for the ang ku kueh. Do you use a food processor ? If so what brand did you use ?
    Thought of getting one since it can do alot of cutting jobs.


  10. Hi Linda's Corner,
    Yup! I blend the green bean paste with a food processor. I'm using the kenwood one, but I think you can use any brands in the market.
