Friday, August 6, 2010

Cassava Bibingka Cake 椰香薯糕

Its another weekend, time really flies. Everything is moving fast, did you notice that there are mooncakes selling in the market already? Oh dear, its not even the 7th month of the lunar calendar. Btw, I've ate some from certain brands already...heehee..;p

Okay, today's bakes.......Cassava Bibingka Cake. Well cassava is "ubi kayu" or tapioca. When I see my dear friend (Honeybeesweets) made her 3-layered Steamed Tapioca Kueh, I can't wait to try her recipe. But too bad I can't find any pandan leaves today. Just imagine the whole area here no pandan leaves selling?....:(

Okay, since I've already bought some cassava, will just bake it with my old recipe. Even its my old recipe, it's new in my blog...:) (made this before I started blogging actually) This is a porpular desert in Manila, Philippine. With the cheddar cheese which is left over from the previous post, it's just right for this recipe.

5 cups grated cassava (ubi kayu / tapioca)
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup melted butter
2 eggs
1 & 3/4 cups coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla essence

~ Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, pour into a greased 9" square pan.
~ Half bake for 30 minutes or till half done at 180'C.
~ Pour topping and bake again.

Ingredients for Topping:
1 cup condensed milk
2 tbsps plain flour
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

~ Combine milk and flour in a saucepan and cook over low fire till bubbly.
~ Remove from heat and add in egg yolks.
~ Mix well, and cook over low fire again till slightly thick.
~ Pour onto the half baked cassava cake.
~ Top with cheddar cheese and bake again for another 20-25 minutes at 180'C.

The top is crispy wihile the inside is soft & tasty. YUM YUM!! My daughter asked me to bake this more often after trying the 1st bite..:) Well, I can't recall whether she ate this before or not but it was definetely a long long time ago that I once baked this.

Wish everyone has a nice weekend..;)


  1. It looks so good friend! The crispy top and the soft chewy inside is delicious looking! Wah, interesting yeh, got cheesy salty top and sweet kueh below, nice! I love bingka ubi, so any kind is good for me! How come the grocer no pandan leaves? Anyway, very nicely done, yum yum!

  2. An interesting combination - sweet and cheesy! Looks nice and moist!

  3. Reese, great mind think alike. I too just baked the Philippines Bibingka two days ago but mine a little bit different. No cheese on top. Actually it taste pretty much like our kuih bingka except softer :)

  4. Bee Bee, this is a nice one too. Ya wo, dunno why pandan leaves out of stock here...:(

    Busygran, yea this is sweet, cheesy, soft and moist..haha! Very good for dessert.

    Gert, is it? do you like it? I like the texture more than those local ones leh..;p

  5. Reese,
    This looks very "coconutty" and cheesy. However, I don't really know what it is, I'm sure it taste really nice. Wish I could try it. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jane, this is 木薯糕,Tapioca kueh. Instead of steam, my version is bake. This is a philippine style dessert with cheesy topping..:) Maybe you can try to bake this, think you'll like if you like coconut and cheese.

  8. Oh my friend's dad made something similiar during my Uni days. Cassava Cake topped with cheese.
    But she never gave me the recipe in written form, just verbally what to put in. She just told me, cassava, sugar, butter, eggs and topped with grated cheese. Now, I can have the proper recipe, thanks Reese.

  9. Hi, is this a 木薯糕?I'm such lazy person to make kueh but I like to eat them. Just like the kueh Bee Bee made few days ago, I love it crazily . Well, at the moment got to buy from BangawanSolo before someone send some for me to eat :P

  10. Hi Kitchen Corner..:) Yes, it is a 木薯糕。Actually I wanted to try out Bee Bee's recipe but couldn't find pandan leaves that day..;p

  11. this sound delicious, I like bake one, must try this one day. Thanks for sharing.

  12. ~ Wendy, younare welcome, and hope you like this version...:)

    ~ Sonia, you are welcome too.

  13. 请问condensed milk是evaporated milk 吗?

    1. Hi Cheryl.
      condensed milk 不是evaporated milk.
      condensed milk 是炼奶
      evaporated milk 是淡奶
