Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuna Bread Pudding

Have been a busy and boring day for me today. Busy as the non-stop paper works in office, boring as the hot weather that made me so moody. To refresh myself, I went shopping!! Sounds good right? ...heehee! Well, I didn't get anything anyway but felt better. Alright, then its time to think about dinner. Wondering in the fresh market, staring at those vegetables and meat....but nothing came into my mind. But when I passed by the dry ingredients and canned food, suddenly I thought of this bread pudding. And yes!...that's our dinner tonight!

Remember my mother did this once but can't really recall what's the ingredients in this pudding. All I know is there were tuna in it. Well, as you know that bread pudding is a dessert popular in British, Mexico and others. It used to be sweet as it is a dessert. The bread is soaked (often overnight), squeezed dry, and mixed with the other ingredients. The mixture is transferred into a dish and baked. But I changed it into something different today, and it was fantastic!!! Something that I never cooked before and most of all my daughter loves it so much..:)

I made it in a very simple way and these are the only ingredients you need.
4 slices of bread (cubes)
3 cups of milk
2 eggs (beaten)
2 tsps salt
Some shredded cheddar cheese
A can of tuna in oil (drained & mashed)
1 tomato (chopped)
1 green pepper (chopped)
1 onion (chopped)
a little butter cubes

~ Beat eggs and salt together and mix with milk. Set aside.
~ Greased a 8x4" rectangle tin and fill a layer of bread cubes at the bottom.
~ Sprinkle some butter cubes and follow by the mashed tuna.
~ Then sprinkle some green peppers, tomato and onions and covered with shredded cheddar cheese.
~ Lastly cover the top with some bread cubes and pour the milk mixture all over to cover the bread.
~ Bake at 200'C for 25-30 mins and serve hot.

The top was so crispy and the inside is so creamy and soft. SUPER YUMMY!!!

It taste like pizza but it was much lighter. It was so good that my daughter and I finished the whole loaf of it. Yup!! Only 2 of us!! Asked why I didn't cook this for her before since it is so delicious..;p

Trust me, it was so good that you'll eat that all up by yourself..;) It was definetely a good bread pudding for dinner. Or should I say bread pizza?...haha!

I definetely had a great day after all...Cheers!!


  1. A savoury bread pudding, really very creative. The beauty of all your postings here is that they can be varied and made into a thousand other fillings Reese!

  2. Love & miss this so much... Did the original recipe many yrs ago. ya... looks like pizza...hahaa :D So.. i think the taste is totally different from the original tuna bread pudding. I hv the recipe..http://happykitchen-janice.blogspot.com/2009/04/bread-pudding.html

  3. Hi Quinn,
    How are you? I'm not that creative la, just mix and match the ingredients, and somehow my husband finds my recipes wierd..haha!

  4. Wei Janice,
    How come I don't have the recipe? From mama is it? Hmm....btw, mine (here) was with more ingredients added..haha! As you said before, for dinner should add more vegetables for Cheryl or else not nutricious enough...:p

  5. wor, look so tempting !! i know only sweet bread pudding but this savoury bread pudding is new to me, must try this soon. Thanks dear.

  6. This is totally new to me Reese! Bread pudding, yes but savory not yet. But looks good and really simple to prepare. Good one!

  7. WOW! I never thought of bread pudding could be made with savory version! That's really a super idea! And it looks really delicious and appetizing! The cheese and tuna make the dish just so yummy! Thanks for sharing this great recipe. I must try it one of these day. Cheers!

  8. mmmmm very creative. Like Grace I will never thought of making a savory bread pudding. This is great for a one dish meal and also to finish up leftovers bread. One will try this out soon.

  9. ~ Sonia, ya ya you must try this!!

    ~ Bee Bee, yes this is simple and easy to prepare. I thought it's a common recipe cause my mum made this long time ago..;p

    ~ Grace, it is indeed a delicious and appetizing one. Hope you like it..:)

    ~ Gert, yea the leftovers bread, that's what I did..heehee!

  10. Oh wow! This looks really good! Thanks for sharing this lovely recipe. :)

  11. Ya.. was frm mama. I had the recipe because i was helping on her 1st attempt & did it few times after tat :D

  12. A bread pudding filled with tuna chunks sounds awesome!!

  13. Reese..this is a delicious tuna pudding. Have KIV it. I am sure your gal loves it !!! yum yum thanks for sharing. When Jo comes back I will make this for her :)

  14. ~ Jane, hope you like this recipe too..:)

    ~ Janice, ic.

    ~ Joslynn, its yummy and definetely a keeper.

    ~ Elin, I'm sure Jo will like it too..:)

  15. Hi Reese!

    So sorry! My window pop ups got mixed up and I typed in the wrong comments!

    Nonetheless, it the very FIRST time I've seen a savory bread pudding.

    Definitely a different twist from the only bread pudding i know (bread and butter pudding) bleah!

    Once again, sorry for the blunder!! =X

    You Fei

  16. No worries, Youfei...:) This is a must try recipe I can say...it's really different and most of all its delicious!...^-^

  17. Hi Reese,

    Thanks for so forgiving =p pardon my blur-ness hehe..

    I love tuna bread and this looks perfect for ANYTIME of the day. breakfast, lunch, tea break, dinner or even supper!!

    I'll definitely give it a shot!

  18. This looks like a great and easy recipe! I like that it uses storecupboard staples like tinned fish, so that it's easily available and cheap! I'm a student studying in london now, so i often use tinned sardines or other fishes, but of course , not just in sandwiches! this is another new great idea (:



  19. Hi Shu Han,
    Hope you like this recipe, its easy and its not expensive! And it even save up your time too...:)
