Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Strawberry Cream Cheese Buns

Lately I've been trying to bake more breads and buns instead of cakes. Got bored on cakes..haha! And so bread becomes our daily food....for breakfast and tea. All kinds of buns but using the same recipe of sweet dough then I discovered a new method from my collection of bread recipe book. I don't remember when I bought this book (Magic Bread from Alex Goh) but it was well kept in my shelf with the wrapper..haha!

Okay today's bake is buns....Strawberry Cream Cheese Buns. The title itself already makes my saliva dripping..haha!

Don't they look lovely?!!

This time I've tried with different technic of the sweet dough. "Gelatinized dough" was first introduced by Japanese chefs and the result was soft and springy. This recipe was adapted from Magic Bread by Alex Goh.

Ingredients for the sweet dough:
100g Bread flour
70g Boiling water

300g Bread flour
100g Plain flour
80g Sugar
6g Salt
20g Milk powder
9g Instant yeast

175g Cold water
60g Cold eggs

60g butter

~ Mix well (A) to form dough. Cover and set aside to cool. Keep refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
~ Mix (B) until wel blended, add in (C) and knead to form rough dough. Add in (A) adn knead until well blended.
~ Add in (D) and knead to form elastic dough. Let proof for 40 minutes.
~ Divide dough into required weight and mould into round balls and let to rest for 10 minutes adn ready to use.
Prepare the cream cheese shown above......
125g Cream cheese
50g sugar
50g whipping cream
10g Instant custard powder
2 tbsps Strawberry fillings
~ Cream cream cheese with sugar till light. Add in whipping cream and cream until smooth.
~ Add in instant custard powder and mix until well blended.
~ Add in strawberry fillings and mix well.

Prepare the Streusel topping......
60g sugar
50g butter
100g bread flour

~ Mix sugar and butter until crumbles by using finger tips.
~ Add in flour and mix until crumbles. Keep in refrigerator before use.

Method for Strawberry Cream Cheese Buns...
~ Divide sweet bread dough into 70g each and mould it round. Roll out each small balls into long stripe and twirl around to form a circle and place on a parchment paper on a tray.
~ Egg wash the surface and pipe the strawberry cheese fillings following the twirled lines and sprinkle some streusel over it.
~ Bake at 180'C for 15 minutes.
My cute babies are ready to go in the oven....:)

Here they are......crispy on top and soft at the bottom...beautiful!! Super nice to go with a cup of tea which I'm having now...;p

I'm so happy for myself for trying a new recipe which I don't have the courage to do all the time. myself..haha! Hope you like this too....^^

Happy weekend!!


  1. So is this Tang Zhong? So proud of you too, trying out a new bread recipe. :) I bet Cherly love this recipe, strawberries, heehee. Thanks for sharing this, will try this recipe for my little ones too. :)

  2. Bee Bee,
    I don't know whether is this call Tang Zhong mandarine in this book and you know I don't really understand "Chinese writing" that well even if they have..heehee.

  3. this bun looks good, I like the topping.

  4. Yes yes! It does make my saliva drool... Give one quick! Sounds so nice with cream cheese. I've not tried gelatinized method. I must try it next time so that I can compare the various methods right? Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  5. ~ Jess, yeah we love the topping too...very crispy..:)

    ~ Jane, this was my 1st attempt of gelatinized method too, the buns were soft till next day. Should give it a try...:)

  6. hi, i have this book too..and i must say that this bread making is one of the best. Nice pictures you got here.
