Thursday, November 25, 2010

Black Sesame Coconut Milk Kueh

After a week of my daughter's Pri-1 orientation, I think I'm more relax now knowing that she's getting use of the school enviroment and also the teachers there. I can say the teachers there are all very caring and firm enough..;) So the following week will be no problem at all.
Being stressful and busy this week, I thought a steaming recipe is more suitable for us. And also alot of fluid at this weather. Before I repeat my "old" recipes like paus or cakes, I've steamed a "new" kueh recipe instead. Well, the next will be paus..haha!..^^
Okay, this kueh has a very bouncy-soft texture, quite similar to the "Nyonya Layered Kueh" I've done long time ago. Have a look then you'll know what I mean.

Black Sesame Coconut Milk Kueh

The recipe:

Ingredients for black sesame layer:
60g water chestnut powder
50g rice flour
50g black sesame powder
300ml water

120g caster sugar
150ml water
some pandan leaves (knotted)

Ingredients for coconut milk layer:
60g water chestnut powder
50g rice flour
50g tapioca flour
250ml coconut milk

120g caster sugar
200ml water
some pandan leaves (knotted)

Method for black sesame layer:
~ Combine ingredient (A) together, set aside.
~ Bring ingredient (B) to boil. Discard pandan leaves and pour into (A) mixture. Mix well, divide into 3 parts, set aside.

Method for coconut milk layer:
~ Combine ingredient (A) together, set aside.
~ Bring ingredient (B) to boil. Discard pandan leaves and pour into (A) mixture. Mix well, divide into 3 parts, set aside.

Steaming method:
~ Lined a 7" square mould with plastic sheet. Pour in 1st part of black sesame mixture. Steam for 4 minutes. Then pour in the 1st part of coconut milk mixture, steam for 4 minutes. Alternate the layers till ingredients are used up.

~ Steam the final layer for 25 minutes. Cool kueh completely before slicing with a plastic knife.

The black sesame mixture & coconut milk mixture above

"It is indeed a very delicious kueh"...commented buy family and friends who tried them. So this is definitely a keeper for me..:)

Have a Nice Weekend!!


  1. Wah, nice yeh...can imagine the sesame fragrant from the kueh! I love black sesame!! Too bad can only see cannot eat again, lol! But thanks for the recipe, will try it out when I get my hands on some black sesame powder. :) Have a nice weekend my friend!! BTW, are you meeting up with the bloggers in KL? Have fun yah and tell me all about it next time!!

  2. Hey Bee Bee,
    I'm sure you'll like this..:) Yes, will be meeting the bloggers only one of the meet-up section. (Think there are 3)

  3. This layered-kueh is my favourite - I haven't had this for a while. Your kueh looks great by the way :).

  4. Hi Cooking Gallery,
    This was my 1st attempt and also the very first time tasting too..;p LOve it..:)
