Friday, February 18, 2011

Strawberry Cheesecake

This Chinese New Year was the most enjoyable and excited one for me. I have visitors come and go during the whole clebration. And not to forget about the food....I had the most yummilicious one!!..haha! Now I have to start my diet all over again...LOL..;p
Ok, this post was my last bake for this Chinese New Year. A Strawberry Cheesecake for my dear cousin brother and his wife before they leave for Australia. Never thought they love it so much, and bring home the other half..haha!

A recipe adapted from Kevin Chai but this time I did it with strawberry instead. Oh, this was my 2nd attempt...the 1st was blackberries. This time was done with 3 small 4" round pan instead on a 9" square one.
You can get the recipe here.

My daughter is a big fan of this cake. She called it an ice-cream cake instead..;p So you can imagine the texture with her comment...haha!
Maybe I'll try some other berries for this recipe next time. Blueberries or rapsberries...yummy!
I'll like to wish all of you a happy year ahead, and back to the normal routine after all the relax and eatings past few weeks...:) Btw, I'm looking forward to the next holidays!!


  1. Such a cute size for a cheesecake. :) looks creamy and delicious but not too thick, I like! My sister's birthday is coming and I'm planning to make a cheesecake for her also....haven't decided on the flavor, might just ise blueberry or strawberry, easier to find, heehee. :)

  2. I just had dinner but still lusting over this cake..

  3. This look so good, I guess my kids will love this cake too.

  4. Bee Bee,
    Ya lo...I like the size..:) Looking forward to your cheesecake. It must be a nice one..:)

    The Experimental Cook,
    Thank you...:)

    I think your kids will love it if they love ice cream..heehee!

  5. yumy yummy! it lok so nicely done! and children dont lie. the taste must be really heavenly! (: (:

  6. Love strawberry shortcake! Yours look so pretty and delicate :D

  7. Yummy strawberry cheesecake! The strawberry looks so huge on the slice of cake! cute!

  8. ~ The Sweetylicious, thank you...:)

    ~ Jen, thank you too...:)

    ~ Jane, thank you. Ya lo..the strawberry looks really BIG on this small cake...haha!
