Friday, August 12, 2011

A Nice Gathering with Good friends & Good Food

Yesterday I had a great day chatting and drinking at friends's house until late night. My daughter had a great time playing with her friends too. We started our small gathering cum party at 7pm but it ends at 130am...haha! What a good night for all of us...:) All of us got abit dizzy after so many bottles of red wine ( can't remember how many ) and talked all sorts of things and really got a good good good laugh! I'm so looking forward to our next meet up...:)

Well, gathering means we have to have nice food and desserts. So I've prepared 2 snacks to go with our wine and a dessert for the kids to enjoy. Oh and not to miss the "Assam Laksa" by my friend, its really a good one but....opps! Forgot to take the picture..;p Beside the laksa, she prepared a nice yummy "Penang Popiah" for us...(you can see the picture below).

Alright, what I've prepared.....1st, "Rosted Pork" . Recipe here.
Then a new dish (my first attempt)..."Assorted Taufu Peanuts Snacks".

For the Taufu Peanut snacks, ingredients and method is really easy and its a best appetizer ever. See the ingredients below....

1) 2 fried taufu (cut into cubes)
2) 4 green chilies (cut into cubes)
3) 1 onion (shredded)
4) 50g peanuts (deep fried)
5) 50g anchovy (deep fried)
6) 1 tbsp Chili bean sauce (辣豆瓣酱)
7) 1-2 tbsps sugar to taste
8) 1 tbsp cooking oil

Pan fry onion and green chilies until fragnant, then add in all other ingredients and pan fry at medium heat until well mix and cook. Dish up, you'll have a good nice dish.

Both were so good, and all my friends love them so much. These were really a good dish or appetizer for any party.

Then not to forget about my specialty...haha! The cutie swiss roll again. This time instead of strawberry, I just filled it with some fresh cream + shredded chocolate. Well, don't kids just love chocolate? Yup, these rolls were gone too in a minute!!
Method was exactly the same as the other rolls I've done before but I just decorate it in another way buy cutting, place flat on a cake sheet and deco with some chocolate chips.
(Refer for the details here)

Lastly but not least, the yummilicious Penang Popiah prepared by the host. So delicious, and everyone can't resist to have few rolls!! Eh...I don't have the recipe yet, but I'll be going to learn it from her soon...:)



  1. Dear friend, so nice to know that you all had another wonderful gathering again. I wish I was there, just like last time.  things are not really good on my side, haven't been well and now hoping it's not too serious and I can get well soon. Anyway, please send my love to everyone as I miss you ladies a lot. 

  2. Hey Bee Bee,
    Oh dear, what happen to you? Please take care ya.
    We'll have another nice gathering when you come. Definitely a nice and fun one!!! We miss you too!
