Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yogurt Garlic Buns & Cutie Rolls

Finally I've the chance to bake this garlic buns. This recipe has been with me for few weeks, and there is always some excuse for me to drag it until yesterday. A recipe I got from a magazine weeks ago, "Famous Cuisine", it looks simple and thought to make it for breakfast since then..;p
All the recipes in it was talking about yogurt. Actually this was the 2nd recipe I've tried. The 1st was the blueberry yogurt tarts, and it turns out really good. So I guess this buns will not fail me though. And yes, the result was good!!

Alright, this was Yogurt Garlic buns! I'm quite picky when it comes to garlic, I don't like raw garlic, I don't like it when its cooked either..;p But I love garlic breads..haha! Weird huh...well, guess it comes from my family gene...LOL. One of my cousin doesn't like prawns but love prawn crackers!!! Okay back to this recipe, the ingredients are simple, maybe you'll have all of them in your fridge now. Let's see.........

Ingredients (A) for Sponge Dough:
120g bread flour
40g plain yogurt
50ml fresh milk
2g instant yeast

Ingredients (B):
250g bread flour
25g sugar
4g instant yeast
80g plain yogurt
100ml fresh milk
20g garlic powder (original called for fresh chopped garlic)
50g butter

**1 egg (beaten for egg wash)
** Some cheddar cheese (for topping)

~ Note if you are using fresh garlic, please remember to add 6g of salt into ingredient (B).

~ Mix all ingredients (A) for sponge dough in a mixer until forms a dough. Leave to ferment for 2 hours.
~ Place sponge dough and all the ingredients (B) except butter in a mixer and beat until dough forms and add in butter. Beat until an elastic dough forms.
~ Divide dough into 80g each or any sizes you desire into oval shape.
~ Leave them into warm place to proof for further 1 hour or until double in sizes.
~ Egg wash each buns and sprinkle with some cheddar cheese on top.
~ Use a sharp knife and cut off a trace on the surface.
~ Bake in preheated oven at 190'C for 12-15 minutes.

It was really soft and fluffy when its fresh from the oven and the other day too. It was even better when I toasted it back the next day and spread some butter on it. Definitely a keeper for me.
Oh..here's some pictures I'll like to share or you can say...I'm showing off here...haha!
I was helping a friend to bake some Strawberry Swiss Rolls the other day for her staffs. She didn't request any patterns or design to be on the rolls, but I know she love the strawberries pattern that I made for her long ago. So I just did some here..:)

The rolls are not that perfect anyway, somehow there were some cracks here and there. I was not quite happy with my work that day, but my friend was so pleased and was so happy when I passed them to her. I'll do better the next time..;p



  1. They all look perfect to me. You are so good at making swiss rolls. I wish I have your talent.

  2. The buns look very tasty and soft. I already bookmark it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. ~ Gertrude,
    Thank you..:) I still need to improve on the rolling though. But I'm getting addicted on making swiss roll, its fun!

    ~ Veronica,
    Thank you! Make it soon and let me know..;p

  4. Woo, i love the swiss roll too. I've been reviewing ur blog on how to make the swiss roll!


  5. Hi Angeline,
    Welcome! I've adapted the idea and method from the book (Japanese) I got few months back. Its a good book. Try to view the book cover from my aunt's blog...http://veronteokitchen.blogspot.com/2011/07/swiss-roll-rilakkumas-deco-roll.html
    Maybe you seen these books before..:)
    Happy Baking!

  6. it seem you are very skilful and your recipe is nice
    Cook Recipes
    Kitchen Shop

  7. I wish I have your talent :) I need to practice more :) simple one also cannot roll properly...you are so nice to bake for your friend :)

  8. ~ Hi Sure, thank you..;)

    ~ Elin, don't say that la...I'm not that good in rolling though, still got crack here and there...;p When we meet next time, I'll make for you..hehe! Btw, I've just read your other blog (Sweet Delights) you did a good job on the Japanese Coffee Swissroll!!

  9. Hi Resse,

    I've tried your recipe a couple of days ago and it turned out lovely. I've posted in my blog with credit to you. Thank you.

  10. Hi MamaFami, you are most welcome!! Glad you like it so much....:)
