Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Long Bean Rice ~ My Mum's Style

Finally my hubby has recovered, means I can cook something alittle oily for him..;p Anyway, he still need more rest and healthy food to boost up his antibody..:)

Its alomost another week pass since school starts, but my daughter is looking forward to next week's holiday again. *Gosh*...why so many holidays??? That's because the school doesn't have a hall for the Standard 6 (UPSR) examinations, so the lower grade got to miss their lessons...:( This will make the kids getting lazier, but in another way, I have another week break...;p

Right, back to my post. this a dish / rice that I used to have since I was a kid. My mum used to cook this quite often for us. Maybe its easy and she only need to whip up everything in a pot then serve....haha! There are alot versions that I read from other bloggers about "long bean rice" but I just love the way my mum did...:)

Mom's recipe.....
2 cups rice (washed and soaked for 1 hour)
2 tbsps dried shrimps (soften)
200g long beans (cut into 1")
150g pork belly (thinly sliced)
10 shallots (diced)
550ml-600ml water (might not need all)

Marinade the pork belly with:
2 tsps sesame oil
1 tbsp light soy sauce
a dash of pepper

1 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tbsp thick / black soy sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
~ add those seasoning into the rice (as shown below)

~ Panfry the shallots and dried shrimps until fragnant. Add in pork belly and stir fry alittle while.
~ Add in long beans and mix well.
~ Add in the rice with seasoning and mix well. Lower the heat and add in water (about 300ml) until just covered the rice (shown above). Simmer at low heat.
~ Stir rice every 5 minutes to prevent from sticking the wok or burn.
~ Add in water little by little and stir well while simmering.
~ Continue adding the water if the rice is not cook, and always simmer at low heat until cook.
~ Total cooking time is about 25-30 minutes.

We love this rice, and I usually cook this once every 2 months..:) Then till now I notice I did not post this before..hehe! Hope that you'll like this recipe as much as I do.



  1. What a coincidence right that we cooked the same dish yesterday. My mom love to cook this too. Like you said it is easy and a one pot meal with everything in it. All she have to do is make a soup for us and the meal is complete.

  2. Oh this is yummy! I also like green mustard with rice....taste as good as this!

  3. Oh don't we all love all these nostalgic and homey dishes that we grew up with! We can never get tired of eating them! Love this rice dish, looks super comforting leh, I love it! Will try will try! Btw, hope Ben has fully recover and back to his strong self.  Hey, a little bird told me your friend G is planning to bake mooncakes to eat herself because no one give poor thing eh! Heehee, anyway, bake when u can lah!  so sorry about this weekend yah... wish I am there to celebrate with you...will make it up ok? *hugs*

  4. Gertrude,
    What a coincidence ya...:) Yea, my mum too will make a soup to go with this....and now is what I did for my family too...hehe!

    Yea, this really taste good..:)

  5. Bee Bee,
    Yes, this a good one to serve the family...:)
    Of course I'll bake for them all....but abit late this year..haha! Thought to give them some surprise ma.
    Btw, no worries about the weekend, you take care and listen to us, we are more happy...HAHAHA!!!
    You must take care, and we'll chat more often ya...:)

  6. y do we have 2 cook it in the wok? can we dump it into the rice cooker after the part that say -----'and add in water until just covered the rice'?

  7. Hi slye,
    Yes, u can....what I did was I always cook everything in the wok instead of transferring to the rice cooker. I've tried once in rice cooker but it taste different, I find that stirring the rice once awhile while simmering, taste better.
