Friday, October 7, 2011

Orange Cocoa Marble Chiffon

Crazy with cooking and baking lately, I find this is the way to destress. (except the washing part la)...haha! Everyday without fail I have to do at least 2 hours revision (morning & night) with my daughter for her coming exams, and make sure she understand everything. That's why I feel so stress and tired! My husband said I'm too hard on her that she's only Std-1, but I just cannot help it...;p Its not that I want her to score all 100% for me, but at least she must know the important of examinations and also her attitude of learning.
Well, since its another weekend, I let go alittle today, cooked her favourite dinner and a cake for her breakfast tomorrow. (Anyway, she took a big piece before she went to bed...haha!)

An Orange chiffon but played with some cocoa powder for the marble effect. The effect turns out quite nice and I'm satisfied with it. (not to mention about the texture and taste...its super soft!) This was actually inspired my Ann from Anncoo Journal's Orange Chocolate Cake. Hers turn out so beautiful and I was wishing mine turns out like hers before baking. Somehow, it was a big difference...;p

Again this recipe was adapted from Kevin Chai's (Chiffon cake is done) Orange Chiffon Cake. I just changed alittle here by adding the cocoa powder.

Here's my version....

Egg yolk batter:
7 egg yolks
40g sugar
4 tbsps corn oil
1 tbsp orange rind
60ml orange juice
110g self raising flour

** 2 tsp cocoa powder

Egg white foam:
7 egg whites
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
120g sugar

~ Beat egg yolks and sugar until blubbly, add in oil, orange juice, orange rind and mix well.
~ Add in flour and mix well until forms a batter. Divide into 2 equal portions. Keep aside.
~ Add in 2 tsps cocoa powder in one of the egg yolk batter, mix well and keep aside.
~ Whisk egg white and cream of tartar until forms soft peak, add in sugar gradually and beat at high speed until stiff peak forms.
~ Divide egg white foam into 2 portions and add into the egg yolks batter separately.
~ Spoon into a 9" tube pan by sequence. Gently shake the pan alittle to even the top.
~ Bake at 170'C for 40 minutes. Invert pan immediately and let cool before slicing.

I can't resist myself, and took a big piece right after cutting it. Hopefully I don't take another piece after finish posting this....LOL!!

Have a great weekend.....CHEERS!!


  1. Looks very soft and fluffy! Can I come to your house and have tea with you? :DD

  2. Ann,
    Thank you and thanks again for your idea of the marble effect! Tea?....anytime are most welcome!

  3. Lovely swirl n nice fluffy texture. Can't wait to try out. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Looks really soft! Very nice chiffon. :) Yeah, I hate exam time, I don't remember being so stressed myself last time when I was my kids' age, lol! Anyway, go easy on yourself too, stress can cause wrinkles ya, heehee. I'm sure Cheryl will do very well with your guidance. :)

  5. Vivian,
    Thanks and you are welcome with the recipe..:)

    Bee Bee,
    Thank you...:) Ya lo...I don't remember my mum did any revision with me too...LOL!! Is it stress can cause wrinkles?...Oh dear, better not so stress now..hehe! Cheryl ah...she's very blur and careless, hopefully she can do well...:)
