Friday, November 25, 2011

Mango Yogurt Chiffon Cupcake

It's almost time for me to travel...YEAH!!! And all these while my attention and my mood are all focus on my coming trips...LOL!! Pardon me...;p This year's trips are alittle different, that is I got to get away for few days with my dear hubby then another one with my dear daughter and cousins....Oh I just can't wait!!
Right, before I disappear next week, here's my last post for this November...^^....then I'll be back for the X'mas and New year posts!!

This was a cake that I wanted to bake so much since last 2 weeks but never got to do it until I read about Ann's (Anncoo Journal) post last 2 days. Mine was alittle different, but similar to a chiffon cake.

This cake was so fluffy and moist and I definitely will make it again. It shrink abit after cooling but the texture was still good. Have a look below while my cake was "growing" in the oven...:)

160g mango puree
40g fresh mango (cut into small cubes)
4 egg yolks
60ml plain yogurt
8 tsps corn oil
1/2 tsp mango essence
35g sugar
80g self raising flour

4 egg whites
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
75g sugar

~ Whisk egg yolk, essence and sugar until light, then add in corn oil and stir well.
~ Add in mango puree and mango chunks and mix well.
~ Mix in yogurt, mix well and fold in flour and mix well. Set aside.
~ Whisk egg white with cream of tartar until bubble forms. Gradually add in sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks form.
~ Gently fold in egg whites into egg yolk batter until well blended.
~ Spoon batter into prepared cupcake moulds and bake at preheated oven at 160'C for 30 minutes.
~ Remove from oven, invert cake until completely cooled.

Got to go...wish you guys have a wonderful year end holidays....Enjoy!!!


  1. I always have bad luck baking with mangoes.
    Always they turn brown and taste grassy.
    Next time u show me what mango you used.
    Happy travelling ah!

  2. Wendy,
    I just used whatever I can get from the market...haha! Never had those brown and grassy like u said la, never time when we meet, I'll buy some for you...:)
    Yeah...I'll enjoy to my fullest...see you guys in December!!

  3. i love mango... should be superb nice to eat.... enjoy ur holiday!

  4. Love your cupcake liners, so cute and pretty!! Have a safe and fun trip!!

  5. Hey my friend! Hope you will have a fantastic trip ok! I just got back and not settled down yet...and tons of things to do. :P I need another vacation, haha! Love that mango yoghurt cupcake....looks soft! Not sure I can bake before the month ends. :P

  6. Pretty cupcake liners and I am sure this cupcake taste awesome. Have fun and be safe!

  7. Bee Bee,
    How's your trip? Must be exciting!! I'll be leaving in 2 days time again..hehe! Me too, not sure when I can start baking again...;p

    Hi!!First, I'll like to apologized that I didn't reply your email becoz I'm away that time. I'll be away again in 2 days time..!!
    Yeah, this cupcakes were really nice and I'm going to make again when I'm back...:)
