Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry X'mas....My Roasted Turkey

Hi all....I've been missing for along time and I hardly bake when I got back..;p I had a wonderful holiday and how I wish it'll be longer. Another week, and I'm back to reality...haha! Back to my daily routine...boring..;p Well, hopefully I have a wonderful year ahead and I'll like to wish everyone has a wonderful 2012 too...:)

Okay, here's my post, I think it's the only post in December...hehe! Its roasted turkey for tonight's X'mas Eve gathering with my dear dear friends. This is my first attempt of roasting a turkey and it was done mainly with my own version of taste. Hopefully everyone will like it tonight...;p

Looks alittle burned huh...LOL!! My silly oven or silly me?? I'm not too sure. Anyway it does look alittle tempting right...hahaha! Garnished with some greens (broccoli) and yellows (baby potatoes) so it doesn't look that dull.
Here's the recipe of mine.....
1 turkey (about 14 pound)
Marinate with...alittle minced garlic, salt, black pepper & paprika for at least 3 days so that the meat will absorb the marinated ingredients well.

For stuffing:
2 large onions (sliced)
2 celery ribs (chopped)
some fresh mushrooms (sliced)
1/2 cup fresh parsley (finely chopped)
some chicken broth
4 slices bread (cut into small cubes)
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp chicken seasoning
1/2 tsp black pepper
** Butter for saute the ingredients above.
** Some melted butter for rubbing the turkey.

~ Saute onion, celery, parsley and mushrooms with butter until tender.
~ Add in chicken broth and seasoning, mix well. ( Add the chicken broth slowly, so that it won't be too watery)
~ Add in bread cubes and mix well.
~ Stir in enough chicken broth to reach desire moistness.
~ Stuff into turkey and place remaining stuffing ingredients outside turkey.
~ Place on tray (breast side up), rubbed with melted butter.
~ Preheat oven at 250'C at grilled and grill the turkey uncovered for 2-3 hours until meat tender. Cover the top with aluminium foil if turkey turns brown too quickly.
~ Grilled additional for 40 minutes (covered with aluminium foil)
~ Turn the oven to "bake" at 200'C, (uncovered) further baked for another 10 minutes or until well cooked.
~ Pour out the pan drippings and thicken it with some cornstarch for gravy.

A look of the juicy meat....:)

I'll like to wish everyone a Happy Merry X'mas, and may Santa grant you all your wishes!!



  1. Pls remember to invite me to your house next year X'mas ok? cos I want to have some of the turkey you baked. hohohaha.A v merry X'mas to u n your loved ones.

  2. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and family too. Have a great holidays and happy new year!

  4. by the time I'm commenting, I know the turkey's gone!

    Have a happy new year ;)

  5. Hey friend, this is the best homemade roast turkey I've tasted! Flavorful and tender, love it! Thanks for taking the trouble to do this for us, lucky us! Serious, super yum!

  6. Veronica,
    If you come during X'mas, I'll sure make for you!!...hehe!

  7. Merry X'mas & A Happy New Year....dear Small Small Baker & Vivian Pang...:)

    Yeah, by the time I read your comment, the turkey was already half gone..hehe! Merry X'mas and Happy New Year!!

  8. Bee Bee,
    There's no trouble at all, I'll love to bake for you ladies everyday if I can...:)
    I'm so happy to see that you all love it so much...very very happy, and you are most welcome...^^

  9. Reese, it is good to see you enjoying yourself. This bird looked burnt outside but inside look moist still so it must taste good:D

  10. Thx Veron, and yes!! I've been enjoying myself too much until there was no post at all...haha! Hopefully I can get all things done for Chinese New Year!!!

  11. Since 3 months from now is Thanks Giving event again and this is one is perfect for that occasion. I'm planning to get a turkey and maybe I can use my oster convection oven and put some spices on it.
