Saturday, November 10, 2012

Wholemeal Red Bean Baos

A healthy recipe for you today! I'm not sure whether there is such a recipe of these baos, anyways I just created this without any reference. So be"ll either turns out good or bad! And guess what?! These baos are well recieved!!!! I did it...LOL!!
The idea of using the whole wheat in baos is unsual but trust me, it's very nice indeed and most of all, it's healthy!
Have a look at it....they are not as smooth like the normal redbean baos just because of the wholemeal wheat flour, but they are soft and special...^^

The recipe:

300g bao flour
50g wholemeal wheat flour
8g instant yeast
70g castor sugar
5g ghee
150g water (may not use all)

red bean paste

- Mix all ingredients (except red bean paste) in a mixer knead dough till smooth at high speed about 5-8 mins.
** add water slowly until the dough forms and not sticky.
- Roll out dough into long strip, cut into small pieces about 30g each, then roll flat and roll up like a swissroll and keep aside.(shown below)
- Wrap in the red bean paste, seal tight and place on the prepared baking paper. Leave to rise for 30 minutes.
- Steam over hight heat for 5 minutes.

Below picture, after 30 minutes.

Below picture, after steaming.

Look at them, not bad huh?! The skin of these baos are very soft and fluffy as you can see from the last picture below. Well, I like this recipe very much, and hopefully I'm sharing the right one with you too.
