Monday, July 21, 2014

Mixed Berries Yogurt Cake

Looks who's posting here!! Yeah...I'm back on the track!
When was my last post? A year ago? Oh my.....;p
First in 2014...haha! A simple and yummy cake, Mixed Berries Yogurt Sponge.

Ingredients for the sponge:
6 egg yolks
20g sugar
60g fresh milk
45g cornoil
100g low gluten flour / cake flour
15g corn flour

6 egg whites
70g sugar
 Ingredients for the yogurt cream:
50g fresh rapsberries
50g fresh blackberries
100g plain yogurt
300g fresh cream (whipped)

~ Beat egg yolks together with sugar until well mix.
~ Add in fresh milk, cornoil and stir well. Then followed by cake flour and corn flour. Mix well and set aside.
~ Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff.
~ Mix egg whites into egg yolk batter and mix well slowly.
~ Pour into two 6" round pan and bake at 180'C for 25-30 mins.
~ Cool the sponge and split into 2 layers for each sponge.
~ Blend the berries together with yogurt and mix into whipped cream.
~ Spread yogurt cream on sponges and sandwiched them.
~ Cover the cake with plain whipped cream if you prefer and decorate with your own desire.

Chill before serving. The taste was good and the cream was like ice-cream. It didn't stay long in my fridge, guess this is a good recipe that adores by my family.
I'll try to bake more!!


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  2. Welcome back after such a long absence! Looking forward to see more of your postings. Wow your first come-back 'present' for us - such an awesome cake. Must try this yogurt berries cream, sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  3. welcome back my friend! Great to see you back in action again. :) Take care and hope to see more yummy creations and updates from this space. ;)
