Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hainanese Chicken Chop

Hainanese Chicken Chop is one of my favourite dish. I always ordered this when I visit the nearest restaurant here named Kluang Station. I've longed to try this out myself and finally I have the gut to make this 2 days ago. I've searched for this recipe on the web and I got the tips from here and there, then came out with my own version for frying the yummy chicken!

Like my version though, crispy chicken drumsticks even if you eat it by it's own!!

Here, have a look at the deep fried chicken I've done before I showered them with the yummy tomato sauce! Isn't they look crispy? And yet it's still juicy inside...*satisfied*
Wonder what ingredients I've used? Here it goes.....

Marinate the chicken drumsticks / chicken breast (with skin) with...
2 tbsps Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp corn flour
little black peper and salt to taste

*marinate at least 2 hours

When ready to deep fry....
~ beat up 1 egg and mix into the marinated chicken
~ Crush 10 soda biscuits (which u can get in any supermarket) into fine crumbs
~ Heat up enough cooking oil for fryin
~ Coat the chicken with the biscuits crumbs and deep fry till cook and turn golden
~ Drain well and place on your serving plate

*Then you'll get the crispy chicken shown above.

Tomato Sauce:
4 tbsps tomato sauce (any brand)
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp Oyster sauce
2 tbsps sugar
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup water
a little cornstarch to thicken the sauce
1 onion (thinly sliced)
Some frozen mix vege / beans (thaw)

~ Heat up a little cooking oil and saute the onions and vege / beans
~ Add in all the other ingredients and bring to boil


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