Sunday, August 16, 2015

Cream Cheese Chiffon

It's been awhile since my last post. I still bake and cook but with all repeated old recipes. Sometimes we need to taste something that we tried long time ago especially those we really like. 
Today, something new to add into my list here, a Cream Cheese Chiffon Cake. First try and it taste good and texture is really soft you can see my first picture here...all CRACKED!!!...hahaha!
Well, don't judge the book by it's cover right?!..(@@)"

Self-created recipe that I'm quite please with...hehe! It was a melt-in-the-mouth texture that I'm looking for. ^^

Recipe calls for a 9" tube pan.

6 egg yolks
150ml fresh milk
4 tbsps cornoil
1/4 tsp salt
150g cream cheese (lightly beaten)
2 tsps lemon juice
140g cake flour
50g castor sugar

6 egg whites
100g castor sugar

~ Preheat oven at 170'C
~ In a mixing bowl lightly beat the 50g sugar and salt with egg yolks until bubbles formed.
~ Add in corn oil and milk, mix well
~ Add in beaten cream cheese and lightly whisk until all well blended.
~ Add in flour and mix well. Set aside.
~ Beat egg whites with 100g sugar until soft peaks formed.
~ Gently fold beaten egg whites into the egg yolk batter until blended.
~ Pour batter into a 9" tube pan and bake at 170'C for 40 minutes.
~ Remove from oven and invert the cake onto the table until completely cool.



  1. The recipe looks really good. Already put into my to do list and thanks for sharing!
    Me too always cooking with old recipe as time is limited and it's not easy to squeeze in some times to do experiment. But you are not bad still able to come out with a self created recipe.. really impress! Good job!
