Thursday, June 3, 2010

Birthday projects

There are so many friends' birthdays that falls in May. I had been baking and baking for birthday girls and boys the whole week! 1st my girl, then my father, then cousins and friends..;)
Here's some photos which I like to share with you.

This is a princess crown for my good friend's daughter. She turns 6 today which is a week after my girl. They both love princess and all "sweet" things and especially PINK! haha!
Here's a gift for her and hope she likes it as much as I do..:)


Another one is for a 2 year old birthday girl whose mother I know very well too. She wanted to celebrate in her school, which means the kids are all 2 years old like her. So mini cupcakes with adorable decorations are just nice for her..:)

There's no theme for this but I'm trying my best to decorate with her favourite bears. (which I can only moulded 6)..;p
I like the bees and ladybugs, most of all its easy for me..haha!

All are choc cakes which is not too sweet and its just nice to eat with the icing..:) Recipe will be post in the next post..;)



  1. Look like you have been very busy making and decorating all the beauties. They are all so cutre and pretty. Well done Reese! Are you making one for me too for my up coming birthday? I am just joking :)

  2. Hahaha...thanks Gert, I just love to bake and deco more & more everyday. If I can, I'll sure bake one for you...;) Happy coming birthday..heehee!

  3. Wow!! So lovely cakes! You've put so much effort on it. Really admire your passion! Good job!

  4. you can open a bakery shop liao, look so pro and beautiful.

  5. Hi Kitchen Corner, thank you..:)

    Hi Sonia, thank you too..:) Come lets open together..heehee..;p

  6. You have come a long way Reese! Taking up the course was definitely a wise decision. :) Such pro looking cakes...not anyone can make them. ;) I bet Robey must love her tiara cake very sweet. :D Keep up the great work, always love to see your wonderful posts! :D

  7. Thanks Bee Bee, I've been doing those cakes and deco things lately and lack of those kuehs and baos I've used to make..;p I have to back for those after all the projects done by this month..heehee!

  8. Wow... i like the tiara !!! I bet Amber likes it too :D Ok... will do this for her coming bday!! The name part just nice for AMBER too :D 5 letters .. hehe

  9. Heehee...I'll decorate it with something different for Amber la....:)

  10. The cakes are so pretty, u had a busy week to complete the projects.

  11. Thanks Jess, will be starting another soon, but really enjoy doing them..;)
