Saturday, May 29, 2010

Its My Girl's 6th Birthday!

"I'm very happy today, mummy!".....My girl told me last nigt after her birthday party..:) Most of all it was because the gifts and friends that came to her party..;p Ooh, and the clown! That really entertained them..haha!
I did cook and prepare the rest of the deco myself past few years for my girl's party but not this year. We called for cater and I just concentrate on the cake. Yea..the cake, which took me 9 hours to complete!!.haha! I'm not good at the fondant or gum paste but because my girl has been asking for it months ago and she even choose the color and decorations herself, so I have no choice! Stress myself out for it and luckily my youngest sis (littlekitchen) was here to help, or else.....;p A BIG "thank you" to her!!

After all the baking, frosting, moulding and's the cake!

She loves it! ...:) Especially the colour...PINK! Its so pink actually, but its the favourite colour for all girls i think..heehee..:)

Some small Strawberry cupcakes for the wordings, but those cupcakes was from those cupcakes mix pack which I got from the bakery store . Just mixed everything in the mixer and bake, that's all....haha! No time for the rest, so I need a fast one. Anyway, I did add some fresh strawberries in the batter.

All the letters, small flowers and windows for the castle later...moulded and let dry.

The cake's flavour?...Yum yum! Its the butter lemon cake I love from Sonia (Nasi lemak Lover).
The cake was built up with 3 cakes in total, which the middle one was just a plain butter cake with some lemon rind.

Its alittle rough here..heehee! But overall it was still acceptable..haha!

At the end of the decoration, we decided to just stick the plastic door on the cake instead of fondant, ....yeah, we are really tired at that time..;p So the whole cake, the door was really neat..haha!

I just can't wait to display it once after done, you know why? I'm so worried that the pillars will collapse..haha!



  1. nice job.. did u paint the pillars ??

  2. Thanks Swe San..:) I wrapped all pillars with fondants...;p

  3. Happy Belated Birthday to your dear daughter!! Wah, you really terror. That is a beautiful castle cake your built for your daughter. I am sure she is very happy with the cake.

  4. Great job! I admire people who decorate their cakes so elaborately! Happy belated bday to your girl:D

  5. I must call you "Sifu" liao, look so pro and beautiful, your girl must be very happy to have this lovely cake specially made by her mother. Well done, friend!
    Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  6. this is a really pretty castle cake! happy belated birthday to your daughter. well done, gorgeous cake!

  7. Happy Bday to ur daughter! The cake is amazing beautiful, I bet my daughter wil scream if I am able to make one for her but too bad, think she ve to wait for long period b4 I am capable enough to make her one :P.

  8. Wow your daughter must have been really impressed. Happy birthday to her :)

  9. She must of loved it. So pretty with all that pink and a castle! Tell her happy birthday for me!

  10. ~ Gert, thank you! Yeah,...she loves it!

    ~ Jeannie, thank you..:)

    ~ Sonia, thanks for your lovely recipe, everybody loves it! No sifu here la, rough work!..heehee.

    ~ Joslynn, thank you..:) The cake really stress me out..;p

    ~ Jess, thank you. Me is just trying out my best, its very rough..;p I know you can do it, just need time and patient..:)

    ~ Baking Addict, thank you, my daughter indeed very happy with it..haha!

    ~ Lynsey, thanks! Yeah...its her favourite colour...PINK!!

  11. With this beautiful and lovely castle cake, I believe the birthday party must be a great one! Your castle cake is really beautifully made! Very very good job! I must ask you to donate some passion for me :)

  12. Hi Kitchen Corner,
    I must say this is not a perfect one, I'm still learning on this but becoz my girl has choosen this, I have to do my best for her..;p
    Thank you for your compliments..:)

  13. Just arrived California...sorry for my slow response! So lovely! Good job my friend...I bet Cheryl loves it so much. ;) Don't be humble, I think it's a wonderful cake and gift you have done...Happy Birthday Cheryl!!!

  14. Hi Bee Bee,
    Thank you..:)
    Enjoy your trip and we'll meet very soon..;) Can't wait!!

  15. Hi Reese,
    Only two words - WONDERFULLY GORGEOUS!! Very impressive. Cheryl must be very very proud to announce that her mum made it just for her! ;))

  16. Hi Jane,
    Thank you..:) She said the cake is "small"..haha! At the begining I did promise her with a 2 tiers cake, but at the end I can't..;p

  17. Oh now I can see the cake that Swee San and you were talking about.
    Really nice job.
    I hope I can make a nice cake for my eldest daughter this year.

  18. Hi Wendy, of course you can, your cakes are all nicely and neatly done!

  19. Hahaha, but I'm thinking of carousel cake leh.... My girl loves the merry go round thingy.
    Have to make the horses, the colourful top.. and I'm not working with fondant!!!

    I'm planning to deco the cake with buttercream, and luckily the idea came early this year and I have 10 more weeks to go.

  20. Ooh...ic, can't wait for your post then..;)
