Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fruity Chiffon

Chiffon fewer! I've been baking chiffon & chiffon & chiffon again these few days..haha! Well, after the coffee chiffon that I've baked last few days, my girl has been asking me to bake another one which she can eat. What does she mean that the cake she can eat? HAHA....this girl has been telling me that she can't really eat that coffee chiffon cake because coffee is not meant for children. She said it might burn her brain!!....HAHAHA! (It's probably I told her before that coffee contains cafeine which is not suitable for kids)

Okay then, since my fridge is full of oranges, so here's the Orange Chiffon Cake that she can really enjoy!...:)

I used the exact recipe from the Coffee Chiffon Cake but changed the milk and coffee into fresh orange juice and 1 tbsp of "sunquick" (orange concentrate).
The texture was so soft and tasted so good, the cake was all gone right after I cut! It was suppose to be our breakfast this morning, but....hmm..;p

And so I've made another chiffon again this morning for her...Blueberry this time..heehee..;)
Recipe adapted from Blessed Homemaker's Strawberry Chiffon Cake but I did some changes here for my own preference.

Here's my version,
4 egg yolks
40g Sugar
50g cornoil
2 tbsps Milk
120g Plain flour
1/2 tbsp Baking powder
4 egg whites
40g sugar
1/2 tsp Cream of tartar

It's not as blue / purple as I thought but it taste as good as the rest..:) Soft and fluffy..oh I just love it!
Have a Nice & Fruitful Weekend!!


  1. wow Reese, you really like chiffon cakes hor

  2. I love love chiffon cake. In fact I plan to bake a citrus one to bring it with me for our Malaysian ladies gathering tomorrow. By the way, did you chop up the blueberry a bit before folding it into the cake batter? Normally if I bake it with fruits it tend to sink to the bottom.

  3. Hi Swee San,
    Yea, I love chiffon cakes since I was a little girl. My mum has her own recipe which is without measurement and its as soft as cotton...geng leh..haha!

    Hi Gert,
    I didn't chop the blueberries cause I'm actully using the blueberries pie fillings directly which I bought from the bakery supplement store here.

  4. Wah, so much chiffon cake, haha! Looks like you are really into Chiffon right now. :) All very nicely baked and tall, nice! Beautiful!

  5. Thanks Bee Bee, I too very happy with the result, and most of all Cheryl loves it so much except the coffee one..heehee..;)

  6. ur chiffon cakes are so soft and fluffy and baked beautifully

  7. Thanks Jess, going to bake another pandan one tomorrow..^-^

  8. I have so long did not bake chiffon, this remind me to bake some soon,will try blueberries filling since I still have some in my fridge.Thanks for sharing.

  9. You are welcome Sonia, hope you like this recipe..:)

  10. Your chiffon cake looks so perfect, soft and fluffy.

  11. Just makes me drool many mouth-watering chiffon cakes here! I would love to try making but have to find the chiffon cake tins first. Thanks for sharing. MaryMoh at

  12. I am smelling the citrus aroma in this chiffon cake :)

  13. Thanks dear Anncoo, Mary & tigerfish...:)

  14. Hy ReeseKitchen,
    Chanced upon your blog while bloghopping...lovely space you have with interesting recipes. Happy to follow u.
    Chiffon cake sounds very yummy...
    You are most welcome to my blog.

  15. You are most welcome Jay, I'm happy to follow you too..very nice blog you have..:)
