Monday, June 7, 2010

Simple Turn Over Apple Cake

Hey there, I'm back for bakings again, after the few days of sore throat, I finally can eat those cakes and cookies..haha! Made an apple cake to pamper myself..heehee.

An Apple cake, very simple recipe adapted from a Taiwanese chef which I've kept for a long long time too. This is not the 1st time I bake this but it seems I've forgotten how long I have to cook the caramel......

Well, as you can see here, the cake looks abit burn on top..*sigh*. Luckily it still taste ok..;p
That's the caramel that suppose to look yellowish ..:(

Will make note here, so that I won't forget next time...;p

1 or 2 apples, thinly sliced
1/4 cup sugar, melted becomes caramel (turn off the fire right after the caramel turn yellowish)

~ Pour caramel onto the cake pan ( I used and 8" ring pan) and arranged the sliced apples on the caramel. Set aside.

Ingredients for batter:
1 finely chopped apple
4 eggs
200g butter
130g sugar (has been reduced)
180g Plain flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
50g milk

~ Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy
~ Add in eggs one at a time
~ Slowly fold in flour and milk alternately, and ends with flour.
~ Mix in chopped apples and pour batter onto the cake pan with arranged caramel & sliced apples at the bottom.
~ Bake at 170'C for 40-45 minutes.
~ Over turn and remove the cake once done.

Serve the cake warm or cold as your wish. I always keep half of it in the fridge and half outside..heehee! I just like both! Hope you like it too..:)



  1. I like keeping it at room temperature in an air tight container for cakes baked with butter. Somehow, if it's out from the fridge, even after I thaw it, it just seems tough a little and dry up a bit. Do you experience the same thing too?

  2. Hi Quinn,
    How are you lately? Yeah, I do experience the same, but its still fine to me...heehee..;p

  3. Reese, although the top of the cake burnt a bit but the inner still looks soft and fine.

  4. This would be nice to serve with a dollop of ice cream while it's warm! Yummy!

  5. ~ Jess, thanks!

    ~ Kitchen Corner, that's a good idea..;)

  6. Hmm...abit charred but still looks good. :) Fruit cake is always good the following day...wonder if you notice that. BTW, I am looking forward to see someone's full moon cakes, heehee. ;)

  7. Reese, I prefer mine warm though ... a scoop of vanilla ice cream atop! Haha! Well, who cares as long as the cake tasted good!

  8. I can see from your pix the texture of this cake is very soft. I like baking with apples since I always have apples at home. I too always keep half of the cake outside and the other half in the fridge :)

  9. ~ Bee Bee, yea, I always keep my mum's fruit cake in the fridge for few days before eating, it taste really good after that..;)

    ~ Pei-Lin, a scoop of ice-cream sounds really good, but too bad I'm having cough now..:(
    *sigh*...after sore throat then cough.

    ~ Gert, the cake is soft but the top is ugly..heehee..;p You too will keep half in fridge eh..i thought I'm weird with that idea..haha! I always wanted to try some different ways of eating a cake..:)

  10. Thanks for sharing this simple and yummy recipe, will try out soon.

  11. You are most welcome, Sonia..:) Hope you like it as much as I do.

  12. Reese, I keep half in the fridge for the reason that we can't finish the cake within a few days so have to keep part of it for the following week :)

  13. Haha...Gert, means I'm the only weird one then. I'll juz cut out some immediately and chill them after cooling...;p

  14. The texture looks very good. With apples, I'm sure it's very delicious. Thanks for sharing. MaryMoh at

  15. Hi Mary, thanks for your compliments..:)

  16. I actually like the burnt part. That's the best!! The caramel makes this cake hard to resist!

  17. Hi joslynn,me too..;) I ate the middle part first, then slowly enjoy the top "charred" part..haha! (weird heh)
