Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy Celebrations!!

Hey there, there are few photos I'll like to share with you here. Never thought that I have such opportunity to make some cupcakes for a dear friend's newborn baby boy and her daughter's birthday. I was thinking for these cupcakes (baby) for quite some time already. (what & how to decorate the cakes) Well, after some research and guide from friends, I did it!!...^-^

I'm very happy with my work eventhough its not "perfect"...(thick skin)..haha!

Here's the baby boy's cupcakes. Blueberry cupcakes with fondant & gum paste decorations..:)
The recipe for the blueberry cupcakes is here.

Aren't they cute?!...heehee...I personally like the laying baby and cradles..:)

Here comes the "Garden" for the birthday girl..:) Well, kind of simple but I think they were just nice with not too much buttercream on them.

Yup! Its Chocolate Chips cupcakes, for the recipe please click here..:) Instead of melted chocolate, I used cocoa powder and chocolate chips this time.

Ooo...I love the little birdie here......its just as small as my tips of my baby finger..;)

Butterflies & flowers are a must in the garden, but they were just too simple..;p
Hope everyone will enjoy their cupcakes this evening..:)

Happy weekend!!


  1. Reese, the cupcakes are so beautiful, I bet ur frd and the guests wil sure enjoy the cakes!

  2. So nice! Next time my birthday you have no excuse not to make for me already!! Hahaha! I bet Grace is so happy...such professionally made cupcakes. ;) Oo...Robey celebrating her birthday again? Anyway, I hope everything went super well...looking forward to see some nice photos. :)

  3. Oh wow! The cupcakesare so beautiful Reese! I think you can turn this into full time job already! I can the heart and soul efforts being put into making them!

  4. ~Jess, thank you..:)

    ~Jane, thank you too..;) Still need alot practice on fandant tho, but I just fell in love with those work.

    ~Bee Bee, baking a cake is not a problem but bake for you, I'm stress baking for a pro during exam..;p Robey celebrated again...yeah! This time with Grace's in-laws..:)

  5. i also like that laying baby and cradles, so so cute !! you did well on fondant..

  6. Thank you Sonia, the begining I still have some problem but now getting better with fondant..;)

  7. Lovely decorations...I always admire people who have the patience to decorate their cakes:)

  8. Super cute and nice cupcakes! These kind of cupcakes really need lots of patient and passion. You did it so nice! I like the last picture, flower cupcakes :)

  9. Thanks KC, the flowers are the easiest I found..heehee..;)
