Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Toffee Chocolate Chips Buttercups

Finally I got my butt move into the kitchen today...hehehe!! I've been so lazy lately until all my friends asking what happen to me..;p Well, my mind is wondering with nothing and just go on with my daily routine, days after days...time flies!!
Okay okay, as I promise myself to bake something and something that is totally different from my old recipes, so here comes my self invent....Toffee Chocolate Chips Buttercups!! Is it a common one? I'm not sure, I just open up my cupboard and used whatever I have...LOL!!
Finally, I've finished using all the toffee which has been sitting in my fridge for weeks...^^
Actually not only this I've baked today, there's a Butter Cake for my hubby and a Coffee Marble Cheese Cake for a friend..:)

These cupcakes are so soft and fluffy, and the sweetness was just nice to go with the semi sweet chocolate chips (which is going to expire soon, hehe)

Here's the recipe:

200g butter
1/2 cup toffee
3 eggs
1 & 1/2 cups cake flour
1/2tsp baking powder
100g semi sweet chocolate chips

~ Beat butter and toffee will light and fluffy, add in eggs one at a time.
~ At low speed add in flour and baking powder.
~ Using a spatula, mix in the chocolate chips.
~ Spoon into 3.5oz (cupcakes) cups and bake at 180'C for 15-20 minutes. Makes 10 cupcakes.

As simple as that!! Nice to go with a cup of coffee or tea. Yumssss!! Can't wait for my little one to try later, with her favourite chocolate chips in it, I'm sure she'll say "good"...;p



  1. See, not all that hard right? Wah, 3 bakes in one go, not lazy lah, just need some motivation. :) simple butter cake with toffee chips, yums!

  2. The cake looks so moist..love it

  3. Reese...awww I can imagine the toffee aroma now thru the screen :))) lovely cuppies and my hubby loves butter cake too ! Put the two men together , the butter cake would vamoosh in seconds LOL!

  4. the cuppies look so moist and yumm! (:

  5. Bee Bee,
    Thank you!! Yeah, not that hard actually just need something new to bake..:)

    Thank you..:))

    I never thought this was so good!! Love it..:))

    The Sweetylicious,
    Yeah, have a try..:)
