Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ma Geok & Ham Jin Beng (马脚油条,五香咸金饼)

Got myself a new recipe book "Popular Kuih Muih" by One Publisher, last week. The first 2 recipes were these popular kuih that we used to eat during childhood. I'm not so sure how the taste it would be from the ingredients stated in this book, whether they are really tested or taste really the "childhood taste" (早古味) that we hardly find nowadays. So without any hesitation..I tried it out right after buying this book. 
Bravo!!That's the expression in my face once I tasted them!!! Really soft and they tasted really good...^^
My husband gave me a thumbs up for it...:)

Not too complicated but it does abit time consuming here. Almost the same like making breads. 
But eating them just took a few minutes then they are all gone...hahaha!

Starter dough:
80g plain flour
1 tsp instant yeast
100ml warm water

~ Mix all ingredients together and leave for 90 minutes.

350ml water (please add slowly and may not need all)
1/4 tsp alkaline water
250g sugar
2 tsp salt
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
1&1/2 tsp double baking powder
* above starter dough
50 ml peanut oil
700g high protein flour / bread flour

~ Combine all ingredients above together except oil & flour in a large bowl. Stir and mix well.
~ Add in oil & flour, mix and knead lightly into a soft dough. Cover dough with a cling wrap and leave to prove for 30 minutes.
~ Lightly knead dough for 2 minutes, cover and prove for another 2 hours.
~ Divide dough into small portions.

**For the "Ma Geok" ~ 马脚油条 ( Horse Shoe Yu Cha Kuih)
30g plain flour
30g tapioca flour
50g sugar
Approx 4 tbsps water
white sesame seeds
~ Mix the pain flour, tapioca flour and sugar in a bowl and keep aside.
~ Roll out divided dough above into rectangle shape.
~ Spread filling (the flour mixture) over lower part of sheet.
~ Cut into strips with filling side together and pinch to stick well.
~ Spray alittle water on surface and sprinkle some white sesame seeds over.
~ Deep fry till golden brown, drain and serve.

**For the "Ham Jin Beng" ( Five spice Chinese doughnuts) ~ 五香咸金饼
 3 tsp five spice powder
 1 & 1/4 tsp salt
~ Mix the above ingredients together and keep aside.
~ Roll out the divided small dough above into square.
~ Brush surface with water and sprinkle filling all over. Roll up and seal tight.
~ Slice into 1/2 pieces then flatten it with your palm.
~ Deep fry till golden brown, drain and serve.

Both tested by me and equally good result. Hope you'll try them out and let me know your result too...:)


  1. good morning,
    Thanks for recipe. Can I omit the alkaline water? what purpose does it serve? Thanks

  2. Heehee, good that you are working hard in the kitchen again.:)) I love to dip the ham Jin beng in coffee...super good! :D

  3. I like to eat Ham Jin Paeng but seldom buy it because the look at the big wok with that 'black' oil frying in it did scare me though. Good for you that you made your own. Hopefully one day I will make this at home too! Thank you!

  4. i have make this mother very enjoy frying it...she say like selling at store...hahaha....

  5. Hi Elaine,
    Yes, you can always omit the alkaline water. It's actually makes the texture softer.

    Bee Bee,
    Me too....with a cp of black coffee, they taste even nicer..;p

    Yeah, those oil are really scary. I'm planning to make this again next week...^^

    Is it?! Good!!!

  6. Hi, your Ma Geok look so good, very professional. I love this, thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Have a nice day.

  7. I drop by and want to taste all your huh! :D crispy outside soft inside! Thumbs up!

  8. Oh, look so yummy, best to enjoy with a cup of Kopi O!

  9. Thanks you...Amelia, Vivian & Sonia...:>

  10. Thank you....Amelia, Vivian & Sonia....

  11. Thanks you...Amelia, Vivian & Sonia...:>

  12. Oh, these look SO good. I think I would especially love the ones with sesame seeds! I'd love it if you'd drop by and share these with BYOB - Bake Your Own Bread this month (!

  13. Replies
    1. You're welcome - thanks to YOU for sharing them =)

  14. Thank you for sharing these with BYOB! I was hooked at the word doughnut and your photos are great. Time to make some to eat.

  15. Hi Connie,
    Alkaline water is a kind of acidic water which sell in a bottle in Malaysia. It is usually used in the "Plain Glutinuos Dumplings" which is also widely sell in Thailand. Those dumplings to be eaten with sugar or kaya here.
    ** It makes the glutinuos dumplings rice to look yellowish**

    Hi Michelle K,
    You are welcome, I've made it again last 2 days when my parents came visit. They loved it..:)

  16. Your Ham Jin Paeng looks so yummy, only thing missing is a hot cup of Kopi-O. Without the Lye Water (or you called it Alkaline Water), would it still works? Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Veronica,
      Thank you! Without the alkaline water it still works but the texture willbe slightly harder compare to the one used.



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