Not much!! That's my answer..;p
Have been looking for something to bake lately, and finally dicided to bake some bread for breakfast tomorrow. And guess what?! The whole afternoon, I have been waiting for my bread dough to rise....was wondering what's wrong with the dough after 2 hours of waiting. The dough doesn't rise an inch!! Then i read and read my recipe again, then i recall....I forgot about the yeast...OMG!! What am I doing?? My mind was wondering about something..but I don't really know what..haha! Really got to concentrate when I bake next time..;)
So end up I'll just post this "Grilled Chicken" today. I've cooked this for my gathering last weekend, and everybody loves it..:) This was the first grilled chicken that i create the marinate sauce myself. Try it out, maybe you'll like it!

12 Chicken drumsticks or a whole chicken
1 clove garlic (finely chopped)
10 Shallots (finely chopped)
1 or 2 Onion (chopped)
Marinate sauce:
1/2 tbsp Salt (may need more if you wish a more salty taste)
2 tsps Ground black pepper
1 small bunch of Pasley (chopped)
1 Green Bell pepper (chopped)
A little orange peel
2-3 tbsps Papprika powder
1 tsp Red pepper
1 tbsp Oyster sauce
1-2 tbsps Water
~ Mixed all the marinate ingredients together.
~ Rubbed the washed and dried chicken with the marinate sauce thoroughly.
~ Leave to marinate at least 2 hours or more.
~ Preheat oven to 250'C and grill the chicken for 20 minutes or until cooked.
(Do not add any oil or honey, it will change the taste)