Its August and most of the parents are quite busy with their kids preparing for their 3rd term examinations. But not me!! I'm still so relax and enjoying my time because my daughter has no exam this term. Is it good or bad? I think its bad and I think most of the parents who has their kids in Pre1 will think that. The syllabus for this year's Pre1 has been adjusted and it has becomes more simple instead. Just imagine, my daughter came home from school and told me.."mummy, I like this school so much because I don't have to do any homework!!" I was like..."oh dear". Those kids nowadays are so smart and bright, with this changes, I think they'll get lazy instead. We parents got to do something!!
Oh well, back to my purpose here..hehe! My post today is
Steamed Buns/ Paus . My mum gave me a box of red beans paste last weekend which was made by her. I always like her red beans paste, not so sweet and oily but just nice for my buns.
Then I've adapted a new found recipe of steamed buns. Its super soft and fluffy. Trust me, its really good!

Instead of plain ones, I've added some
black sesame into the dough. Oh I love the aroma of the black sesame, and it matches the paste so well..:) But my hubby's reaction was like...."Eeee, they look so dirty"!!!...LOL Anyway he still eat without complain..haha!
Okay, recipe ......adapted from the book
Don Yong~ Celebrity Chef Cookbooks
150g Pao flour (low gluten flour)
150g plain flour
15g double baking powder
8g black sesame powder
9g instant yeast
80g sugar
150g cold water
30g shortening
350g red bean paste (might not need that much)
Method:~ Mix all dry ingredients together in a mixer with a dough hook at low speed until well blended.
~ Add in water slowly until dough forms. Mix at low speed for about 2 minutes.
~ Add in shortening and mix on medium speed for about 6 minutes until dough is half developed.
~ Transfer dough onto a flour-dusted work surface and round up. Cover and leave to proof for 45 minutes. (texture after 45 mins was like the picture shown above)
~ Roll out dough and fold into half and roll again, repeat this 6-8 times until the dough is smooth.
~ Leave dough for 15 mins and divide into 30g or 40g pieces. (depends individual)
~ Round up and leave dough pieces for another 10 mins.
~ Roll out each piece of dough and wrap in fillings.
~ Sealed tight and place on a baking paper.
~ Arrange the buns in a steamer at least 2cm apart and prove for 30 minutes.
~ Steam on high heat for 12-15 mins.

Well, this recipe is easy and takes a short time to prepare compared to the last one I did. I like all the recipes I tried, and I'll continue looking for more steaming buns recipe.
Have a peep at the texture below....nice!

The portion of this recipe yells 15 medium ones. I should try this dough again soon for some other fillings before I find another new one...;p Hope you guys like this and do let me know how you find this recipe..:)